

The Czech Tradition of Brass Instrument Manufacturing in the Latter Half of the 19th Century in the

Značka: Národní muzeum

Kategória: Knihy a poukazy | Elektronické knihy | Náučné a odborné | Umenie a architektúra | Kultúra a remeslá | Remeslá


Elektronická kniha The Czech Tradition of Brass Instrument Manufacturing in the Latter Half of the 19th Century in the :By their nature, musical instruments are very complex objects that embody a combination of both artistic and physical properties. Monitoring or interpreting their development in various historical periods must therefore be set into a broader historical and especially cultural context. Knowledge about period technologies is increasingly seen as being of fundamental importance not only for understanding the development of instruments and of their manufacturing, but also as a precondition for the modern production of faithful copies of historical instruments. In answering this question we are faced with a lack of direct sources, and findings can be deduced on the basis of surveying preserved specimens and other secondary sources. For this reason, the practical manuals by two Czech brass instrument makers, V. F. Červený (On the Manufacturing of Metal Musical Instruments) and J. Šediva (Instructions for Making and Ordering Brass Instruments, Infantry Signal Horns, Cavalry Signal Bugles, and Large and Small...


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