Značka: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouc
Kategória: Knihy a poukazy | Elektronické knihy | Náučné a odborné | Umenie a architektúra | Kultúra a remeslá
Elektronická kniha Santini and Italy. Proceedings from the international conference Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Lu:This book contains proceedings of the international conference Santini and Italy, held in Rome in June 2023. In his contribution, Augusto Roca de Amicis describes the nature of the structural relations of Santini"s work to Italian architecture. Pavel Kalina discusses the development of Santini scholarship in the art historical literature of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Richard Biegel shows in his contribution that the sources of Santini"s work can be found not only in Italian but also in French architecture. Michael Young"s text points to the connection between Santini"s architecture and contemporary literary theory and practice, which blended different languages and styles. In his article, Ulrich Fürst stresses the importance of a sense of originality for the design of the Benedictine monastery church at Rajhrad, whose construction demonstrated its independence from the monastery of Břevnov, for which the Dientzenhofers worked. Johana Bronková explores the relationship between Santini"s...