

Diaries from a crypt

Značka: Epocha

Kategória: Knihy a poukazy | Elektronické knihy | Náučné a odborné | Spoločenské, humanitné vedy | Dejiny


Elektronická kniha Diaries from a crypt:Seven Czechoslovak parachutists hidden in the crypt of the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Resslova Street in Prague for 21 days. From the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich to the very last battle in the church and the church crypt. This is the story of their fate there and the fate of the Czech resistance outside those very walls. Some of it really happened. Some things we can only hope and some things we will never know. These are fictitious diaries based on the real historical events surrounding the Czech resistance and parachutists in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during May and June 1942. Every single day is based on historical documents, photos and the statements of the resistance members, who survived.


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